Member Benefits
Members are referred to our June 2014 communique re the purpose of our new voluntary member benefits initiative launched by the trustees.
The Member Benefits initiative consists of four voluntary benefits: Member Business Directory, Member Discount Card, Value Added Products and Services and Website advertising.
Members need to utilise the “Members Login” facility on the home page of our website in order to get access to our Member Benefits Area.
We want to support our members where possible given the tough economic times we are living in – “We First Support Our Own Members”. The success of this initiative will depend on the participation and the support of all our members.
Member Business Directory
The purpose is to give free voluntary exposure of our own members’ businesses (member businesses include the companies where members are employed) to the rest of our member base which we believe is an additional benefit for all our members.
The Oude Westhof Masters Home Owners Association will not benefit financially from this voluntary business initiative.
Please complete and sign the member benefits registration form ( sections A and B ) on our website if interested and send it to our office – member personal information will be treated as confidential. It is important for the proposed member benefits and will not be made available to third parties.
The member business directory will be available to all our members on our website once compiled and will be updated on a monthly basis as needed.
Member Discount Card
The member discount card is also an initiative that will be launched by the trustees once all the other member benefits are fully implemented and functional.
The discount card will give members a discount at certain selected local suppliers (including discounts from member businesses) and the purpose is not to replace or compete with existing loyalty programmes etc.
We want to utilise our member profile and buying power in order to negotiate certain discounts for our members without competing with the businesses of our own members whether advertised on our website or listed in the member business directory.
The discount card will be utilised for identification purposes. The cost per card will also be finalised and communicated to members (estimated at R15 per card).
The list of all the discount partners and the discounts applicable will be available on our website and will be updated on a monthly basis as needed.
The Oude Westhof Masters Home owners Association will not benefit financially from this initiative.
Please complete and sign the member benefits registration form (section A) on our website if interested in the discount card and send it to our office.
A communique will be sent out once this initiative is finally launched.
Value Added Products and Services
The product and service offerings received at random via e-mail by our office will be selected and forwarded via e-mail to members on an ongoing basis as and when received by the Oude Westhof Masters Home Owners Association office.
We do not want to generate spam and offerings will only be forwarded if value can be added.
Members can indicate on the member benefits registration form (see section A) on our website if they want to receive these voluntary products and services offered by members, suppliers/sellers in South Africa and also overseas and if interested they can contact the members, suppliers /sellers directly.
The Oude Westhof Masters Home Owners Association will not benefit financially from these products and services forwarded to our members.
OWMHA Website – Advertisements
Advertising on the home page of the OWMHA website will be available to our members only.
The cost for a Home Page Slider Advertisement for 2015 will be R100 per month for a minimum period of 12 months or an annual single payment of R1000, automatically renewed after 12 months unless otherwise notified in writing. Monthly payments are payable by debit order in advance before the 3rd day of each month. The members involved will be notified when the first payment is due. Costs will be revised annually.
The advertising requirements, costs and payment terms will in future be communicated via our website, member benefit newsletters or any other communique sent to members.
Advertisements on the website will be updated on a monthly basis as and when needed.
The specifications for an advertisement is JPG or PNG format and the size, 320 pixels X 160 pixels . The business/company advertisement must please be forwarded via e-mail to our offices.
Please complete sections A and B and sign the member benefits registration form on our website if interested and send it to our office.
The Member Benefits Registration Form required for all the initiatives and participation in the initial launch must please be forwarded to our offices.
Members must please read the Legal Disclaimer and the Website T&C’s on the OWMHA website (The links are on the bottom of the home page.) before signing and returning the completed Member Benefits Registration Form to our office. The LEGAL DISCLAIMER and the WEBSITE T&C’s are applicable to all the Member Benefits.